Sorry, there will be NO parade this year- 2024

All About Hacienda Heights FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Who runs All About Hacienda Heights?

My name is Steve R. and this is my contribution to our community- Hacienda Heights.

Where is the Hacienda Heights July 4th Parade website?

In 2013 I found that the parade website was a single page with six different fonts and six different colors of fonts (view). It also only had a single link to the Parade Application. After working with a parade committee members, I  created a new version of the parade website. I placed the site here in the All About Hacienda Heights environment.

I offered the hosting, design, development and maintenance of the new website at no cost to the parade committee, with one condition- they agreed to that one condition. However, that condition was not met. Therefore, the development of the parade website went back into the hands of the parade committee.

Their new website is here:

I've desolved the website I originally built and created an informational page here on All About Hacienda Heights- Here

Outdated documents?

There are many sources of documents presented here on the site. As you may know, Garbage-In-Garbage-Out. If the group does not send me updates, I try to get the update another way. I have approached many organizations for source documents and many are continuing to pass along their updated materials, those I update and we all enjoy them. However, not all sources are as mindful to the task.

Why is the Aletheia Church listed first on the Churches page?

The Churches page is alphabetically listed (A-Z).

Hacienda Heights Community Center- Classes, jobs, and rental information.

This website is NOT the Hacienda Heights Community Center website. For Event information go here, Class information go here, for rental information go here and for job information you can give them a call at (626) 333-3250. You might be able to obtain some info at what appears to be their website here.