Churches and Religions
Below is an alphabetical list of churches in Hacienda Heights. If the church has a website, the name of the church will be a link to that website. The church address is also a link, but those links will take you to Google Maps to show you where the church is located. If you are on a cell phone, the church can be phoned by taping the displayed phone number. I have attempted to call each church, with varying results. The “Status*” column indicates my experience when calling the phone number (if available). See the key at the bottom of the table to understand the Status codes. Please feel free to contact us with any information you may have regarding churches in our community. Thanks.
* V= Verified- a good phone number; RNA= Ring No Answer; VM?= Voice Mail without an introductory message; OOS= Out Of Service; N/A= Not Applicable- no phone number; F= Fax Machine